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Nov 8, 2010
Sorry that I haven't been online for ages, things just keep popping up, so i don't have to write a post.
My legs ache from getting dragged mountain climbing with my parent and this other bunch of family friends. Nothing much happened this week. I've got my maths common test coming up on Wednesday i think ill be nose stuck in my maths book for the rest of the couple of days. It's starting to get hotter here in Australia, there is some great sunshine peeking out of the clouds, and blossoms are starting to bloom. Look I better go back to preparation for my maths test. Wish me the very best of luck. Better go. Joy
? posted at: @4:51 PM //
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Nov 2, 2010
Happy Halloween.
Sorry I forgot to wish everyone a happy halloween, until i saw the messages on my tagboard. Sorry about forgetting, but hope you all had fun trick-a-treating, be careful to not let the ghosts come in and scare you! LOL I'm sure you readers have all heard about SHINee Jonhyun dating actress Shin Se Kyung. Hope that this doesn't affect the amount of fans of both idols. At the moment there are many comments going on about thesetwo idols one month dating. Many of them are wishing them the best, but unfortunately there are also some critical comments. Anyway, I believe that Jonhyun and SHin Se Kyung are both actually quite brave to be able to admit this rather than leacing it to become a rumor and spread around. I think that we should still keep supporting SHINee and Shin Se Kyung, even if we know that they are dating. Hope they would have a life-lasting relationship! Today's the Melbourne Cup, I wonder whose the lucky winner. I'm sure I'll post about it soon, ready for all of you to know!
? posted at: @4:16 PM //
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Nov 1, 2010
Quickly, I just forgot to mention, congratulations of Girls Generation for their album 'Hoot' hope they would do well on the charts, and wish that it makes a great hit to all of their fans (like me).
? posted at: @6:42 PM //
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Nothing much happened this week, other than our maths teacher have us a load of homework for the preparation for the 'end of year test' also known as the 'common test'. We finished the testing for French, sorry for not being able to post so regularly, I've got about five more weeks left of the the year, five more weeks of my junior school life, and five more weeks of testing still to go.
Went to Jessica's house today for some fun along with some other friends of hers, Catherine, Joan, Sharrise (I may have spelt these names wrong, please tell me if i have, so that I can correct it. At least it is something to do over the long weekend. Before I forget, lets wish Jessica a happy birthday on Wednesday. Hope all your wishes come true for the following year, may you keep being that girl of who I see today. Best Wishes of all the best towards the following year and onwards. I'm still working on my batch of Icons. Also, the monthly list will be put on the notice board soon. So far I have received great entries. Thank you all for your help and support. Before I click the 'publish post' button, wish me the very best of luck during my end of year/common exams. Hope you all have a great long weekend, as well as a safe and happy week.
? posted at: @6:40 PM //
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Oct 30, 2010
a contest of you all to join:
THE OHMIGOSH! CONTEST (it's just like SOTM) Rules -You cannot have a private blog. -No vulgarities or obscene pictures. -No hiatus or MIAs or anything similar. -The banner must be found somewhere on your site. -You might credit ANY resources that you took from. If I found out that you didn't, you will be disqualified. -No blogshops, and resource sites (sorry!) -You MUST post about this site and recommend(: If not, your marks might be lower that someone else's even --though your layout is about the same as his/hers. If you referred someone, make sure that he/she told me that -you recommended him/her. It is not necessary though. -Only ENGLISH blogs. Yeah. I don't like reading Chinese. Points to note -This contest must have the minimum of 10 participants, and a maximum of 25 participants. -Link the banner to IMGROWNUP.BLOGSPOT.COM -You are graded on your POST ABOUT THIS CONTEST, layout, originality, colour, neatness, simplicity, kawaii, creativity and humour. THAT'S A LOT! Oh yeah, popularity also counts and how you treat your taggers. (: Procedures -Email ME at simpl-e@live.com -Include your NAME and URL. -You will receive a confirmation email from me. -Once you received the email, place on your site (best on front page, no scrolling required) -Post about this contest AT ONCE when you receive the confirmation email. Important Dates -Joining- From NOW till 25 October / when the maximum no. of participants reaches. -Judging- 26 October to 28 October. -Results- 29, 10, or 31 of October. Prizes -Winners (1st - 3rd ) will get a SIGGY, BUTTON, BANNER, and an ADVERTISING SPOT( 3 months, 2 months and 1 month respectively ) -Merits( 4th - 6th ) will get a SIGGY, BUTTON, and BANNER. -Topic winners ( e.g. Most Creative ) will get a BUTTON and BANNER. -Rest of the participants will get a SIGGY and BANNER. * Siggies and buttons are in a set!
? posted at: @4:43 PM //
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Oct 23, 2010
'Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breath, love as long as you live'
Yeah, I suppose this is a quote that we should all live to. The world is full of freedom, we can chose what life we would like to live. Nothing much happened this week, other than the fact that I am totally stuffed with homework from our Chinese teacher, who makes us write our essays until they are totally perfect. Mmm, I am still working on the 'batch' of fashion icons, it might take a while, since i am not that talented with making those graphics. A bit happy news ... congratulations to Jess who moved houses a couple of days ago. Hope love your new house, and would soon settle well in it. To Jess: I know that you have to live without internet for a week, meaning that you might see this 'note' ages after. Other than this i don't have much to share with you ... Wish you a great, following week of either work of study. Joy
? posted at: @6:52 PM //
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Oct 19, 2010
Don't have much to post about ...
Finishing off spelling homework, as well as writing this post. It is getting hotter and hotter in Melbourne, and according to my family members back in China, it is getter colder and colder. I need to change the order of my clothes soon (winter clothes to the top of the wardrobe and summer clothes to the bottom), just that I barely have time and I can't be bothered. I've heard that Girls Generation will be releasing their new album soon. Can't wait, they haven't released any albums since their last album 'Run Devil Run' half a year ago. Hope there album would make a big hit, and will be the best. Currently watching Hello Miss, acted by Lee Dae Hae, and this other famous actor. I strongly recommend this to anyone who likes dramas with a touch of romance and comedy. Try to post later if I have anything else to post about.
? posted at: @5:20 PM //
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